If you’re looking to influence decision makers at a local, regional or national level, Boxed Off can help.
We have long-standing relationships across the North and at Westminster and pride ourselves on keeping our ear to the ground, rooted in the areas and communities you need to engage with.
It may be you need help with consultation around a planning or licensing application. Or you may want to develop an increased share of voice in the debate about your sector.
Boxed Off has a track record of guiding clients through local council and national government complexity including guiding a construction company through a public enquiry, securing a licence for a major music festival and ensuring a powerful voice for a provider of gluten free foods in the debate about its future availability on prescription.
Our service also includes providing research and key stakeholder briefings; getting you ready for planning hearings, council and/or select committees as well as increasing awareness of your brand with influencers.
To help you reach the people that matter call Boxed Off on 0151 304 7017.