Alternative Futures Group (AFG), recently voted Charity of the Year, has supported staff to become Dementia Champions as part of the Alzheimer’s Society campaign to create one million Dementia Friends by 2015.
AFG supports more than 1200 people every year with learning disabilities and mental health needs providing around the clock support within the community, in peoples own homes or in one of eight treatment and recovery centres across Merseyside, Cheshire, Lancashire and Greater Manchester.
Carol Toner, community services director and one of AFGs Dementia Friends champions said:
“Dementia Friends is an initiative we are delighted to be contributing to, helping to create dementia friendly communities, and supporting our staff, their families and members of the community to understand a little bit more about living with dementia.”
The hour long Dementia Friends sessions, which are also open to the public, give more information about the disease and how it can affect people.
The sessions are about turning understanding into action. For more information about Dementia Friends, and to sign up for a workshop near you, see www.dementiafriends.org.uk
Joe Swindells is a member of AFG staff who has signed up and said:
“It was an extremely worthwhile session and I would encourage everyone to try and attend. Just to be made more aware about the disease is so valuable and can help change some of the stigma that exists in society.”
More information can be found by visiting www.alternativefuturesgroup.org.uk or by visiting our Facebook page, ‘AFG Support’. You can also follow us on Twitter @AFGSupport